Programmatic Landscape

The programmatic advertising landscape has evolved significantly in recent years. It is a system of using technology to automate the buying and selling of advertising. The programmatic ecosystem typically includes the following components:

Demand-side platforms (DSPs): These are tools used by advertisers and agencies to buy ad inventory from various sources, such as ad exchanges and supply-side platforms (SSPs). DSPs allow for real-time bidding (RTB) on ad inventory, which enables advertisers to bid on ad space in real-time and reach the desired target audience.

Supply-side platforms (SSPs): These are tools used by publishers and websites to sell ad inventory to various sources, such as ad exchanges and DSPs. SSPs allow publishers to set prices for their ad inventory and make it available for purchase through RTB.

Ad exchanges: These are digital marketplaces where buyers and sellers can trade ad inventory. Ad exchanges act as a bridge between DSPs and SSPs, allowing them to connect and conduct real-time bidding.

Data management platforms (DMPs): These are tools used to collect, store, and segment data about users and their behavior. DMPs allow advertisers to target specific segments of users based on their characteristics and behavior.

Ad servers: These are tools used to manage the delivery of ads to website and apps. Ad servers help in tagging, tracking, and targeting the ads.

In addition to these main components, there are also various intermediaries and service providers that play a role in the programmatic ecosystem, such as tracking and measurement companies, ad networks, and ad agencies.

Overall, Programmatic advertising has grown significantly over the past few years and continues to be the norm for online advertising and has been able to bring efficiency, targeting and optimization to the online ad buying process.