
upcoming for version 1.1.4
Ad Serving
Migrating and upgrading our servers to provide world-class programmatic ad-serving capability.
pushed live August 10, 2022 • version 1.1.3
Robust file-naming
When downloading a set, there is an optional name field that provides the ability to name your zip and the images within.
Zoom with mousewheel
Hovering over any stage and scrolling the mousewheel will zoom in or out depending on the direction of your scroll. Click outside the stage to reset all zoom levels.
Improved save quality
Save process is improved and renders images with greater quality.
pushed live May 24, 2022 • version 1.1.2
Feed capability
Spreadsheet capability is hooked up and available for all users. This includes the ability to upload a .csv file and populate dynamic elements with information from that spreadsheet.
New Sizes Added ( for LinkedIn )
1080x1080 and 1200x628 are live and available to all users
Control text-alignment by aspect ratio
Control text-alignment by aspect ratio. Override text-alignment to use different text-alignments for different sizes.
Output quality defaults to retina
Default export quality is now set to retina. You can revert to non-retina output by unchecking this option in the download dialog.